Racial prejudice is a major theme in the preciding scenes . However Jessica is potrayed as an exception. Use examples to show that Jessica is different from her father and others of her community....pls ans ....
The Theme of Prejudice in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
In The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, there are two main themes, prejudice, and loyalty. Prejudice is the more evident theme and is shown in many different aspects through the characters and plot. Shylock and Antonio demonstrate religious discrimination between Christians and Jews. Portia and her suitors display racial discrimination. The aim of this essay is to discuss the theme of prejudice as shown in the play.
Jews in medieval times were despised. They had been blamed for spreading the plague by poisoning wells and were accused of being usurers. Thus, they would be enriching themselves at the expense
Prejudice is the most visible subject and is shown through the characters and the plot in many different aspects. There are two main themes, discrimination and loyalty, in The merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. Shylock and Antonio show that Christians and Jews are discriminated against religiously. Portia and her supporters exhibit racial discrimination
- Jessica is the Shylock's 9a Jew) daughter, Shylock, but as a daughter he is ashamed of her father. She finds her father's home atmosphere suffocating and practically intolerable. She is a sensitive persond with an artistic temperament; and can not tolerate her father's narrow-mindedness, suffering, and tyranny. Though her father, Shylock is a fanatical Jew who is intolerant of Christians, she falls in love with a Christian and runs away with away from home with a bag full of her father’s money and jewels. For Lorenzo's sake, she does not mind giving up her own religion and following Christianity.
- Jessica is teased by Lancelet about her conversion to the Christianity from Judaism. Jessica is still subject to antisemitism, though she runs away from Shylock, marries Lorenzo and becomes a Christian, as the attitudes are so deeply rooted in Christian characters in the play
- In particula,r Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice refers to the tension between Christhood and Judaism is present. There, Shylock hates Chrétiens. Here. Shylock hates Antonio because he's a Christian and Antonio spat on Shylock for having been a Jew, at one point
- This moment shows the strength of prejudice in the thoughts and actions of the characters for modern readers who analyze and interpret the play and reminding us of the historical context of the play when they make conclusions on characterization and motivation.
- Shylock responds to Antonio and Bassanio's dining offer. Shylock declines immediately and refers to the irreconcilable distinctions between his Christianity and his Judaism. Pork feeding is a race because in the Jewish faith pigs in the Old Testament have been considered unclean.
- Shylock adds to his disregard of hospitality by teaching them that Jesus ordered demons to enter a flock of pigs. by Christian belief. He explains that they may still do business together, although they can not eat together. Such a response speaks of the religious intolerance in Venice during that time.
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Discuss the relationship between Shylock and Jessica - Brainly.in