Rain is both boon and curse write an essay
The Monsoon Season as a blessing and curse
The coming of the monsoons signals a relief from the Scorching summer heat. Holding the hands of the summer
comes the monsoons. The monsoon season starts mid June and continues till September. Dark and gloomy skies General
are a common sight during the monsoons, Which oniy signity the much awaited rainfall. Ihough the rains disrupts Back
Our daily schedule and causes inconveniences at times, the monsoon season is always welcome
At the onstart of the monsoons, people are seen to excavate their umbrellas, raincoats and gumboots. Students DO NOT
are seen sCurrying to school with the colourful raincoats and umbrellas and seem very excited at times to have a
shower in the rain. Office goers are seen hurrying to office to be able to reach on time. Sometimes when there is
very heavy rainfall, life comes to a standstill during the monsoons season. IraffiC jams, flooded lanes and bylanes,
people and children waddling in the floods are a common sight in the monso0on season. Sometimes it is beautiful
to watch children floating paper boats in the flooded waters. Most of all, a 'rainy day' holiday is always welcome in
this season.
The monsoon season is a blessing for the farmers across the country as well as for agriculture. Farmers across
the country await the monsoons as the monsoons rains are very important for thne growth of crops. During the
monsoon the Tields, Crops, trees and plants come alive. Ihe whole of nature comes to lire in a sea or green during
the monsoons. it is vital that the rains come in time or else delayed monsoons may cause drought; and farming
also gets affected. Despite modern methods of farming, the monsoon rains are a reservoir for the tarmers and his
Tields, which inturn is the source of our sustenance. A variety or plants, vegetables and crops grow in the
monsoons. Beautiful flowers also blossom in this time. Dry rivers are filled by the rains that are a source of water
for many across the country.
The monsoon season is not devoid of its disadvantages. Sometimes the blessings of this season are transformed
into a curse on account natural calamities and disasters. Sometimes when the monsoons do not arrive on time,
droughts Occur. very heavy raintall als0 causes extensive damage to crops. vertlowing of rivers causes floods
that damages property, fields and crops largely and loss of life. Landslides during the monsoons in hilly areas
cause many to lose their lives, houses and their livelihood. In urban areas the people who are affected by the
monsoons badly are the street dwellers. Poor street dwellers lose their places of accommodation because of
heavy rainfall and Tloods. Several diseases such as malaria, dysentery, typhoid and cholera are seen to OCCur
among the masses during the monsoon season.
On the whole the blessings of the monsoons surpasses it curses and disadvantages. The entire life cycle on earth
is connected to the monsoons. Thus the coming of the monsoons heralds a message of creation, and the aroma
of rain in air brings us back to life after the scorching and relentless heat of the summer.
Rainfall at right time is a boon for farmers while rainfall at the wrong time becomes a curse for farmers.
When it arrives on schedule, the monsoon is a blessing for farmers since it irrigates the fields and aids in agricultural production. Additionally, it supplies water to ponds, lakes, and rivers that rely on rainfall. When there is a water shortage during the dry season, rainfall is also saved and used.
The monsoon has two sides. It has both benefits and drawbacks. Rain, which is highly important to all living things, is brought by the monsoon. Flooding is caused by heavy rain, which ruins everything.
In India, agriculture provides the majority of the rural population's means of subsistence. When it arrives after the seeds have been sowed and is not received at the proper time. Crops are severely destroyed as a result of this. Abnormal volume results in flooding, destruction, death, pain, homelessness, and other negative effects.
Because of river water siltation, wildlife is displaced and hydropower production is negatively impacted.