rain perform many duties from its origin till the end of its journey.what values can be learnt from cyclic movement of the rain?
10. Rain performs many duties from its origin till the end of it's journey. What values can be
learnt from the cyclic movement of rain? (40-60 words)
It is absolute true rain performs many duties from its origin to the end of its journey. Many values can be learnt from it.
The first value that we learn from rain is punctuality and regularity. Every season it remembers to go up and then come down as rain drops.
The second value we learn from it is its ability to give life to plants, trees, and all life forms.
The third value we learn from rain is its acceptance of all without any discrimination. It falls on all beings alike without any judgement.
In conclusion we can say rain has many values, which we should incorporate in our life too.