English, asked by sawjay123, 1 year ago

Ranga had named his son?


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Ranga had named his son Shyam. He was three years old. Ranga had named him so following the English custom. Shyam, actually was the name of the author, Venkat Prasad Iyegar. The writer had been invited to dinner on the occasion of the celebration of his birthday. He carried a gold ring for the boy as a birthday gift. It was then the author said to Ranga that his son was so fair and he should not have named him Shyam after him.

Answered by vilnius

The answer has been stated below.


  • Ranga named his son after the name of the author 'Shyam'.
  • It was the author who had introduced Ranga to Ratna. Ranga was not willing to marry anyone when the author introduced Ratna. Ranga fell in love with her when he saw her for the first time playing Sitar. He named his first child after the name of Venkat Prasad Lyegar who was known as Shyam.

Learn more:

Character Sketch Of Ranga In Ranga'S Marriage


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