English, asked by shrutiware511, 2 months ago

Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Punctually at midday, he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and a bundle of Palmyra writing. His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position-placed as they were between the painted forehead and
the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour scheme never failed.People were attracted to
him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways. A surging crowd was always moving
up and down this narrow road from morning till night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, and above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave
his ware a fancy name each day, calling it “Bombay Ice Cream” one day and on the next “Delhi Almond”, and on the third “Raja’s Delicacy,” and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him.


1. Answer the following.

1) Describe the market place in 50 words.​


Answered by sakshi22703

Answer: the market is mostly crowded and people are always moving with the narrow streets from morning till night. Many occupations can be seen in the market such as medicine sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, an auctioneer of cheap clothes, etc. Beside him a vendor of fried groundnut is represented who gives his ware a fancy name each day, calling at 'Bombay ice cream' one day, and on the next 'Delhi almond' and on the third day 'Raja's delicacy' and that is why people are always around him.

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