English, asked by MalaikaHossain, 9 months ago

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

The last man of this forlorn group
Did nought except for gain,
Giving only to those who gave
Was how he played the game.
Their logs held tight in death's still hands
Was proof of human sin.
They did not die from the cold without
They died from the cold within.

i. Which "forlorn group' is referred to in the extract above? Why was the group

ii. Which characteristic trait of the 'last man' in the group is mentioned in the
extract? What would be the result of the game' he played'?

iii. Give the meaning of: "Their logs held tight in death's still hands." Name and
explain the figure of speech used here.

iv. Explain the terms 'cold without' and 'cold within' in the context of the poem.

v. How does the poem portray lack of warmth compassion in human


Answered by HridaySaha


hi friends I am Antar Saha From Class-5 Sec-A Roll No-6 I am Antar Saha From the meaning I am hriday the meaning of'CONSERVATIVE'S'you sir for waiting on a Nazi Germany the group and we are your plans are to our study group consisting only English language and culture in a freely and independently and in this class will start at half price the same the meaning of'CONSERVATIVE'S'you I have any problem



never mind I am Antar 33yehehdbdudhwbsyejwvejebwbvhgdhsjsbdjdndbxjsbsgwjsbsgdudgejwbsysksbsbdudbdgeiwbsndk

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