English, asked by reddygadhak, 1 year ago

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
You folk are queer. You think about the past all the time. We always think about future.
(a) Who speaks these lines ?
(b) Who does the word 'folk' here refer to ?
(c) What do the above line tell about the speaker ?
"All they knew was that their new neighbour walked like a struggling mechanical giant and that he was always pulled by a rampageous dog......"
(a) Who does 'they' stand for ?
(b) Who walked like a struggling giant and why ?
(c) What does the word, 'rampageous' mean ?


Answered by jaspreetsinghhhh

(a) Madam Al Smith

(b) The French

(c) She is very snobbish


(a) Value Points


Detailed Answer:

'They’ stands for Neighbours.

(b) Value Points

Chuck-as his one side was paralyzed

Detailed Answer:

Chuck walked like a struggling giant as his one side was paralyzed.

(c) ’Showing violent and wild behavior.’

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