CBSE BOARD XII, asked by lifecomedian, 3 months ago

Read the followi
One can infer fro
around the year
6000 BC
The crystal clear, blue water and the magnificent sun make the Caribbean island
of Saint Maarten a favorite vacation spot, one that is popular with North
Americans during their winter holidays from December through March, as well as
with South Americans and Europeans from April through August. The French and
Dutch settled on the island in the 1600s, and to this day, the island is divided
between the two of them. The French capital is Marigot; the Dutch capital is
Philipsburg. Tourists soon discover that St. Maarten has an intriguing history.
Ancient artifacts found on the island date back to the Stone Age, 6,000 years ago!
Tourists also learn that 1,200 years ago the Arawak Indians inhabited all the
islands of the West Indies and were a peaceful people living under the guidance of
their chiefs. Three hundred years after the Arawaks first arrived on St. Maarten, in
the 1300s, they were defeated and forced to abandon the island by a hostile tribe
of Indians originating in South America. This new tribe was called the Carib. The
Caribbean Sea was named after them. Unlike the Arawaks. they had no
4000 BC
800 AD
1300 AD



Answered by RajatPanwar706



COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR Choose the letter that answer the best completes the the following sentences They __________ supervise the work of employees. This is one of their responsibilities. must to have got to have got.

If you ask the director why he has changed his mind, he ________ it. might explaining might to explain might explain .

Senator Jackson _________ comment on creating jobs. may maybe may be.

It´s too early to have finished the exam. He _____ have finished it already. must can´t haven´t got to.

It is very important to give each patient special attention. Nurses _________ forget that each patient is an individual and that he or she deserves the best care possible. don´t have to haven´t got to can´t.

Lisa ___________ to work yesterday. She wasn´t feeling well. didn´t go hasn´t gone doesn´t go.

The report _________ soon. will have published will be publishing will be published.

Q: When can we see the finished product? A: The work ________ before the end of the year, but i´m not really sure. might have completed might be completed may complete.

Choose the sentence that is written correctly. Be aware of punctuation. If do not like something i bought online then i returned it. If do not like something i bought online then i return it. If do not like something i bought online, then i return it.

If you _______ carefully, you _______ have an accident. will drive / don´t will drive / not drive / won´t.

Choose the correct conditional sentence If i studied more, i would pass the course. If i studied more, i will pass the course. If i studied more, i would pass the course.

Circle the letter of the phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the boldfaced verb in the following sentence: I would have told you the solution for the question if i _______ it. would know had know know.

Circle the adjective clause that best combines the following pair of sentences: I left the band when i found out that our manager ______ our money for a long time. had been taking is been taking has been taking.

The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody _________ . managed to escape could escape was able to escape.

I know i locked the door. I clearly remember _______ it. locking to lock to locking.

SECTION B: READING AND WRITING The crystal clear, blue water and the magnificent sun make the Caribbean island of Saint Maarten a favorite vacation spot, one that is popular with North Americans during their winter holidays from December through March, as well as with South Americans and Europeans from April through August. The French and Dutch settled on the island in the 1600s, the islands is divided between the two of them. The French capital is Marigot; The Dutch capital is Philisburg. Tourist soon discover that St. Maarten has an intriguing history. Ancient artifacts found on the island date back to the Stone Age, 6000 years ago! Tourists also learn that 1,200 years ago the Arawak Indians inhabited all the islands of the West Indies and were a peaceful people living under the guidance of their chiefs. Three hundred years after Arawaks first arrived on St. 40 Maarten. in the 1300s, they were defeated and forced to abandon the island by a hostile tribe of Indians originating in South America. This new tribe was called the Carib. The Caribbean Sea was named after them. Unlike the Arawaks, they had no permanent chiefs or leaders, except in time of strife. And they were extremely warlike. Worse, they were cannibalistic, eating the enemy warriors they capture. In fact, the very word cannibal comes from the Spanish name for the Carib Indians. The Spanish arrived in the fifteenth century and, unfortunately, they carried diseases to which the Indians had no immunity. Many Indians succumbed to common European illnesses: others died from the hard labor forced upon them. One can infer from the passage that stone Age peolpe lived on St. Maarten around the year ________ . 6000 B.C 800 A.D 4000 B.C.

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