English, asked by playergamer112344, 10 months ago

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :(any one)


“His coat is dusty from neglect,his whiskers are uncombed.

He sways his head from side to side, with movements like a snake;

And when you think he is half asleep , he’s always wide awake.”

(a) Identify the poem and the poet.

(b) Who is the ‘he’ mentioned in these lines?

(c) Identify the two poetic devices used in this stanza .

(d) Find a word in the stanza which means ‘to move slowly from side to



“In the heat of the mid-day the houses stood with shut doors.

I wandered along the crooked lane.

An old man came out with his bag of gold.

(a) Identify the poem and the poet.

(b)Who is the ‘I’ mentioned in these lines?

(c) What does the bag of gold tell about the old man?

(d)Find a word in the stanza which means ‘not in a straight line’​


Answered by srujal61


your question is so good but u have to answer it by you own

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