English, asked by solidgamer108, 3 months ago

Read the following lines from the poem ‘Lines written in Early Spring’ and
prepare a note of appreciation focusing on its theme, imagery and other poetic
devices. ( 5 Marks )
I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind,
To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.


Answered by GraceS




In 1798, William Wordsworth, poet to ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’, was to publish a volume of poetry known as Lyrical Ballards with his then friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In 1802, they published this volume again, this time with a preface written by William Wordsworth himself, wherein he attempted to explain the reasoning for writing his poetry. He wrote, ‘what is a Poet? He is a man speaking to men’, a movement away from an idealized notion of the poet having some higher aim in life and some God-ordained talent to write to educate others

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