English, asked by geeravanisugappakumb, 9 months ago

Read the following passage and do the activities.

When Madame Loisel took the necklace back, Madame Forestier said coldly, “You should have returned it sooner, I might have needed it.” From then on, Madame Loisel knew the horrible life of the very poor. But she played her part heroically. The dreadful debt must be paid. She would pay it. They dismissed their maid; they changed their lodgings; they rented a garret under the roof. She came to know the drudgery of housework, the odious labours of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, the dirty linen, she carried the garbage down to the street every morning, and carried up the water, stopping at each landing to catch her breath and dressed like a commoner. She had to bargain at markets, quarrel and face insults over every miserable sou. Each month they had to pay some loans, renew others, get more time. Her husband worked extra, every evening, doing accounts for a tradesman, and often, late into the night, he sat copying a manuscript at five sous a page. And this life lasted ten years. At the end of ten years they had paid off everything, even the interest. Madame Loisel looked old now. Often, she brooded over the past - What would have happened if she had not lost that necklace ? How strange life is, how fickle !How little is needed for one to be ruined or saved! One Sunday, as she was walking in the Champs Élysées suddenly she saw Madame Forestier, still young, still beautiful, still charming.

Who was living the life of a poor lady.​


Answered by tanushree4194


Loisel is the answer!!!!

Answered by Anonymous





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