English, asked by t1anminemajana, 1 year ago

Read the following passage :
Before performing an operation in hospital, a doctor administers a drug or gas to make the patient unconscious of pain. This state of unconsciousness is known as anesthesia from a Greek word meaning 'loss of feeling'. The substance causing loss of feeling is called an anesthetic.
The discovery of anesthetics in the 19th century was one of the greatest achievements in the field of medicine. Before anesthetics, operations were done in very rare cases. Patients needing surgery were given alcohol or various drugs extracted from plant juices to dull pain. Even then, operations were always very painful, and were undertaken only in extreme emergencies. Today, with effective anesthetics, it is possible to produce many hours of pain-free unconsciousness, and this enables surgeons to perform complex, life-saving operations.
The methods of anesthesia are : general, spinal and local. A general anesthetic puts the patient to sleep and is used for all major operations. A spinal anesthetic is given in surgery on the lower abdomen or legs. Injected into the spinal canal, it abolishes sensation in the lower part of the body, but the patient remains awake and fully conscious during the operation. A local anesthetic removes sensation only in that part of the body which is being operated on.
Dentists may give local anesthetic before extracting or filling teeth, and doctors do so in minor cases, such as sewing up small cuts or opening, an abscess.
A medical doctor who specializes in giving an anesthetic is called an anesthesiologist or an anesthetist. Before a major operation, an injection into the arm puts the patient to sleep. The anesthetist then puts a mask on the patient's face through which he breathes in an anesthetic gas. This is kept in special containers. The anesthetist operates a machine that controls the amount of gas a patient receives. While breathing in the gas the patient sleeps and feels no pain.
(A) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :
(a) Who is an anesthetist ? What is the purpose of anesthetics ?
(b) How were operations performed before the discovery of anesthetics ?
(c) How is anesthetics effective in today's scenario ?
(d) Discuss different methods of anesthesia ?
(B) Find the word from the passage which means the same as :
(a) applies (para 1)
(b) part of body below the chest, containing the stomach, bowels and digestive organs (para 3)
(c) To succeed in doing something by effort
(d) put an end to


Answered by sara022
(a) A medical doctor who is specialized in giving anesthetic is called an anesthesiologist or an anesthetist.
Anesthetics is used to perfirm a pain free operation or surgery. The application of anesthetics makes the part of the body where it is given unconscious or without any feeling.The patient remains fully awake during the operation but does not feel any pain.

(b) Before the discovery of anesthetics operations were performed in very rare cases and in emergencies. At that time the paitient was made unconscious by giving them alcohol or some other kind of drugs obtained from palnts. This would not make the operation pain free but it lessened the pain.

(c) Nowadays many diseases are being discovered and many people suffer from it. Thus surgery has become important. Mostly in case of debtists and eye surgens.

(d) Anesthetics are generally injected in the body. In most cases it is injected in the spinal canal which abolishes any kind of sensation in the lower part of the body. It can be injected in any other place which is to be made sensation free for operation. During all major operations an anesthetuc injection in the arm puts the patient to sleep.
The anesthetist sometimes puts a mask on tge patients face through which he breathes tge anesthetic gas. This gas is kept in special containers. The anesthetists operates a machine that controls the amount of gas the patient recieves.

(a) administers
(b) lower abdomen
(c) achievement
(d) abolish.

hope it helps....
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