English, asked by ryrinku231, 2 months ago

Read the following passage carefully and create pointers in the form

of Do’s and Don’ts from it.

Travelling is one of the growing passions and hobbies of people in

today’s generation. But with the increasing number of travellers, come

an increased number of reports related to casualties and accidents.

Though it is impossible to avoid all the incidents, we can take care of

these few things while travelling for better survival and safety. Carrying

a First-Aid kit is the foremost need. Knowledge about the place you

travel to proves very helpful in planning your travel. This can be done

by keeping a map of the region. Not all the regions have provisions of

good quality food and water, so keeping ample quantity of eatables andwater bottle handy is must. But at the same time overeating must be

avoided, as it can cause nausea and headache. Carrying extra pair of

clothes is always recommended. It keeps you clean as well as protects

you from inappropriate weather conditions. Whereas carrying extra

luggage can also be strenuous. Many camping sites do not have hotels

and lodgings for a stay. In these conditions a sleeping bag plays an

important role. When in groups one must not get away from the sight

of the group and roam alone. It is always dangerous.

Travelling helps you socialize but be aware! You must be careful

while arguing with an unknown. One must also stay away from

accepting anything from strangers. In case the situation demands you

to enter areas which are not well-lit, a torch proves helpful.

Since it works on batteries, keeping an extra pair of batteries

too will be of great help. Sleeping late at night should be avoided

by the people who are supposed to drive a vehicle the next day. It

may lead to accidents putting their own and the passengers’ lives at



Answered by SharadSangha

The pointers from the given passage are as follows:-


  1. Always carrying  a First-Aid kit.
  2. Must have knowledge about the place to help in planning ahead.
  3. Always keep a map of the region where you are travelling to.
  4. Keep an ample quantity of eatables and a water bottle.
  5. Carry an extra pair of  clothes to keep yourself clean as well as protect  yourself from inappropriate weather conditions
  6. Carry a sleeping bag since some places do not have hotels or other lodging options.
  7. Keep a torch if you have to enter areas that are not well-lit.
  8. Keep an extra pair of batteries for the torch.


  1. Always avoid overeating, as it can cause nausea and headache.
  2. Do not carry extra luggage as it can be strenuous
  3. When travelling in a group, do not get away from the sight  of the group and roam alone. It is always dangerous.
  4. Always be careful  while arguing with an unknown person.
  5. Do not accept anything from strangers
  6. Avoid sleeping late at night if you are supposed to drive a vehicle the next day. It  may lead to accidents putting your own and the passengers’ lives at risk.​

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