English, asked by Akankshyasahoo804, 5 months ago

Read the given anecdote and analyse the similarities and differences with

reference to ‗A Letter to God‘.

A very poor woman called-in a radio station asking for help from God. A

non-believer, also listening to this radio program, decided to make fun of

the woman. He got her address, called his secretary and ordered her to buy

food and take it to the woman.

However, the instruction was: "When the woman asks who sent the food,

tell her that it‘s from the devil.''

When the secretary arrived at the woman's house, the woman was very

happy and grateful for the help. The Secretary then asked her, ''Don't you

want to know who sent the food?''

The woman replied, ''No, I don't even care because when God orders, even

the devil obeys!​


Answered by nitusingh6950


There are many similarities like

1. here women have faith in god in the same way the lencho have in god.

2. the men make fun of her in the same way the postmaster do with lencho's letter.

3.The men also helped lady in the same as the manager helped lenco.

4. she consider a devil as help from god.

the differences are as follow.

1 . the women became happy by seeing the food but lencho became angry because the amount to money is than desired one.

2. the men said that tell here that he was a devil if lady ask. but postmaster signed as the god.

this is what u think should be correct ans. if any suggestion that tell me

Answered by starstudent123


Similarities :

Both the lady and lencho had firm faith in God

both the postmaster and the man made fun of lencho and the lady

the lady and lencho both got help from God


the lady got happy when she got the food whereas lencho got angry

the man said it's devil while the postmaster signed the letter as god

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