English, asked by priyanshuyadav211, 8 months ago

Read the given extract carefully and choose the correct answer from the given


Where did my childhood go?

It went to some forgotten place,

That‟s hidden in an infant‟s face,

That‟s all I know.

(i) Who is the poet of the poem?

(i) Walt Whitman (ii) Ted Hughes (iii) Markus Natten (iv) John keats.

(ii) What is hidden in an infant‟s face?

(i) Innocence (ii) Beauty (iii) Freshness (iv) Lost childhood

(iii) What is the rhyme scheme in these lines ?

(i) a a a b (ii) aabb (iii) abab (iv) abba

(iv) “That‟s all I know‟ here means”

(a) All that he can think.

(b) All that worries him.

(c) All that he remembers and understands

(d) All that is told.​


Answered by Bangtanology


John Keats,

poem "lost childhood "

rhyme scheme


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