English, asked by pv8527503, 3 days ago

Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Amelia Earhart stood with her father, watching the airplanes swoop and dive. They were watching an air show at Long Beach. Amelia was very excited. She knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to fly! Flying was rough and dangerous. Planes were unsafe and they often crashed. Yet Amelia wanted to fly in a plane. Her father said that she could take a short flight. Amelia felt thrilled as the pilot took off. From high in the sky, she could see the ocean and the Hollywood hills. The sight was so wonderful that she was sure she wanted to be a pilot. So she began to take classes. Once she could fly, she wanted her own plane. She took several small jobs and saved every penny. By the time she was twenty-four, she had saved enough money to buy a tiny plane. It was called Canary because it was painted a bright yellow. In the beginning, Amelia had many small accidents when flying. These accidents made other people worry a lot. But Amelia was not worried about them. Later that year, Amelia made her first solo flight. The take-off was difficult, but she did it. Then she flew up high over the airfield. Now she was free to be alone in the sky as much as she liked.

1. What did Amelia want to do and when was she filled with this longing?

2. What did Amelia see from the skies? How did the sight influence her?

3. How did she manage to buy herself a plane?

4. What was the cause of worry for others?

5. When did Amelia take her first solo flight? How did this make her feel?​


Answered by idiot2006

1. Amelia wanted to become a pilot .

2. Amelia saw the ocean and the Hollywood hills from the sky . The beauty of the sight influenced her to become a pilot .

3. By taking several small jobs , Amelia saved penny by penny to buy herself a plane .

4. Amelia's frequent accidents were the cause for her frequent accidents .

5. Amelia took her first solo flight later in the year when she was of 24 years in age . She felt like a freebird after this .

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