English, asked by rajrazzaq0000, 7 months ago

Read the passage and answer the question No 1 and 2:

once upon a time a dove and a bat were very good friends. One day the two friends decided to set out on a

journey. They flew over the rivers and hills and came to a big Jungle. Both the friends were very tired, they

decided to sit down and take a rest. Soon night fail and it was dark all around. A storm rose. It started to rain

heavily. The dove and the bat start to look for a shelter.

They came upon a century old rain tree. An owl had his nest in the tree. The dove and the bat knocked at the

owl’s door. The old grumpy owl opened the door. The dove and the bat requested him to give them shelter. They

owl unwillingly let them in. The two birds were hungry too. The begged for some foods. The selfish owl was not

happy. However, he shared his dinar with them. The dove was so tired that could hardly it. But the bat was sly.

He ate greedily. He began to praise the owl with the thought of getting more food. The bat said, “O wise and

brave owl, you are the most generous person. I have ever seen. You are powerful and mighty.

The owl was very pleased at the bats flattery. He puffed and ruffled himself trying to look as wise and brave as

possible. Them he turned to the dove and asked “now little dove, what do you think about me?”

1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the corresponding

number of the answers in your answer script.

a) what does the phrase 'set out' mean in the passage?

i) buzz off ii) stay iii) A brace iv) darkness

b) the dove and the bat needed to take rest due to their.

i)Tired ii) tiring iii) tiredness iv) loneliness

c) What happened because of night fall?

i) Rain ii) storm iii) sunlight iv) darkness

d) The bat praised the owl to get more

i) Comfort ii) space iii) shelter iv) nourishment

e) The bat was..... and greedy

i) cunning ii) wise iii) generous iv) brave

f) How was the owl?

i) young ii) aged iii) mighty iv) acrobatic

g) Here heavily is a /an.

i) noun ii) verb iii) adverb iv) adjective
answer it​


Answered by GametrackerLT16
1:buzz off
2: tiredness
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