English, asked by nallagundlaharpe5bpp, 8 months ago

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions: 5 x 1 = 5

Sally was only eight years old when she heard her parents, Mr and Mrs Smith, talking about

her little brother, George. George was cancer-stricken with a deadly disease that had claimed

many lives and only a surgery could save him. However, the family had no financial ability to

pay for a surgery. Sally’s spirits were dampened other’s grim health condition. As Sally

pondered about how she could help her dear brother, she overheard Mr Smith whisper that

only a miracle could save George’s life. Upon hearing that, Sally knew exactly what she had to

do. She went to her bedroom and pulled out her piggy bank from its hiding place in the closet.

She shook all the change out onto the floor and counted it carefully.

After counting the coins for the third time, Sally bundled them up in her favourite

handkerchief, slipped out of the apartment and made her way to the pharmacy that was just

around the corner. After arriving at the pharmacy, Sally waited patiently for the pharmacist to

give her his attention. Yet, the pharmacist was too busy speaking to a well-dressed gentleman

to be bothered with an eight-year-old. Hoping to attract some attention, Sally twisted her feet

on the ground to make a scuffling noise. Unfortunately, her attempt was futile, Keeping to her

persistent nature, Sally cleared her throat aloud.

Still, no one in the store acknowledged her presence. Finally, she took a coin out from her

precious handkerchief and slammed it on the glass counter. That did it! Annoyed, the

pharmacist hollered that he had no time to entertain Sally. Sally retorted with an equal dose of

annoyance and told the pharmacist that she had to speak to him about her brother. The

innocent girl plained that her little brother was very ill and she wanted to buy a miracle from

the pharmacy. As the pharma cist stared at Sally in complete bewilderment, Sally elaborated

that only a miracle could save her little brother as her family could not afford to send him for

an operation. With a slight chuckle in his voice, the pharmacist informed Sally that he did not

sell a miracle and was unable to help her.

Sally insisted that she had money and demanded to purchase a miracle, but the pharmacist

turned down her request repeatedly. Touched by what he had heard, the well-dressed

gentleman asked how much money Sally had with her. Sally answered that she had a dollar

and eleven cents and that was all the money she had in the world. “That’s exactly the price of

a miracle to save a little brother,” the gentleman replied. He took Sally’s money and requested

her to take him to meet her parents and little brother.

That well-dressed gentleman was Dr. Carlton Armstrong; a renowned surgeon, who

specialised in treating Grorge’s potentially deadly illness. Two weeks later, George’s

operation was successfully completed and he embarked on his route to recovery. Looking

back at the chain of events, Mr and Mrs Smith were glad that their little boy was truly saved by

a miracle, one that happened through the kindness and generosity of Dr. Armstrong. For Sally,

she believed that the miracle which saved her brother’s life merely cost one dollar and eleven

cents, plus the simple faith of a little child.

Answer the following questions based on the reading passage.

1. What was the main problem that Mr and Mrs Smith were facing?

2. Explain clearly why Sally “pulled out her piggy bank from its hiding place”
3.What were the two things that Sally did unsuccessfully to attract the pharmacist’s


4. Which word in the fourth paragraph has the same meaning as “snapped angrily”?

5. Who was the well dressed gentleman?​


Answered by jahnaviuc843



1.the main problems that Mr and Mrs smith was facing to give sally's brother george a surgery for cancer but the family had no financial  ability to pay for the surgery           2.sally pulled out her piggy bank from its hiding place because her brother would get a surgery         3. 1.sally twisted her feet and scuffled noise  2.she took a coin from her handkerchief and slammed it on the glass counter           4.slammed    5. Dr.Carlton Armstrong                                                                        Mark me as brainliest

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