Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
In the winter of 1917, the situation in Petrograd was grim. There was food shortage in the workers
quarters. 22 February-lock out took place at a factory. Workers of factory joined in sympathy. Women
also led and participated in the strikes. This came to be called the International Women’s Day. The
government imposed a curfew. 24, 25 February- the government called out the cavalry and police to
keep an eye on them. 25 February- the government suspended the Duma and politicians spoke against
this measure. The people were out with force once again. 27 February- the police headquarters were
ransacked. Cavalry was called out again. An officer was shot at the barracks of a regiment and other
regiments mutinied, voting to join the striking workers gathered to form a soviet or council. This was the
Petrograd soviet. A delegation went to meet the tsar. The military commander advised him to abdicate. 2
March- the Tsar abdicated. A provisional government was formed by the soviet and duma leaders to run
the country.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option
a) What was the situation of Petrograd in 1917? 1
a) All the workers were prosperous
b) Condition of workers were miserable
c) Lockout take place in Petrograd
d) Clash between military and workers
b) When was International Women’s day celebrated? 1
a) February 23
b) February 24
c) February 22
d) February 21
c) Which type of government was formed after the abdication of Tsar? 1
a) Soviet form of government
b) Autocratic form of government
c) A provisional government
d) None of the above
d) The above passage is related to which of the following events. 1
a) October Revolution
b) Russian Revolution
c) February Revolution
d) Abdication of Tsar
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