History, asked by coolmangmailcom4084, 7 hours ago

Read this sentence from the section of the primary source titled "Foreign Relations." In fact, the power of the Franks was always viewed by the Greeks and Romans with a jealous eye, whence the Greek proverb "Have the Frank for your friend, but not for your neighbor." How does the fact that this primary source was written by Einhard influence the historical context of this statement? Text to speech


Answered by dheeptha98


Chapter 2 The Development of

Feudalism in Western Europe

Target 2: I can explain how well feudalism

established order in Europe in the Middle Ages.


The collapse of the Roman Empire in 476 C.E.

marks the beginning of the period in Europe known

as the Middle Ages. During this time period, a

complex political and economic system developed

that largely shaped people's lives.

Historians divide the Middle Ages into three

periods. The Early Middle Ages lasted from about

476 to 1000 C.E. The High Middle Ages lasted from

about 1000 to 1300. The Late Middle Ages lasted

from about 1300 to 1450.

The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman

Empire, which had unified much of Europe for about

500 years. After its collapse, life became dangerous

and difficult in Western Europe. People worked hard

simply to survive and to have enough to eat. They

also needed to protect themselves from conquest by

invading barbarians and neighboring kingdoms.

These challenges gave rise to the economic and

political system historians call feudalism (FEWD-ahl-ism) in which people had clearly defined roles

and relationships with each other. In the feudal system, people pledged loyalty to a lord—a ruler or

powerful landholder. In return, they received protection from that lord.Warriors fought on behalf of

their lords, and peasants worked the land. At the bottom of the system were serfs, or peasants who

were not free to leave the lord's land without permission.

In this lesson, you will discover more about the difficulties people faced during the Early Middle

Ages. Then you will learn about the rise of feudalism and how it helped to establish order and security

after the fall of Rome. Finally, you will explore what daily life was like for people living under


1. Western Europe During the Early Middle Ages

For 500 years, much of Europe was part of the Roman Empire.The rest of the continent was

controlled by groups of people the Romans called “barbarians” because they did not follow Roman

ways. When Rome fell to invading barbarians in 476 C.E., Europe was left with no central

government or system of defense.Throughout Western Europe, many invading groups set up

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