Hindi, asked by harshdeeps5680, 7 months ago

Ready To Volunteer In The Time Of Need Meaning In Hindi


Answered by sonuray


Ready To Volunteer In The Time Of Need Meaning In Hindi

Answered by nidaeamann


इस वाक्य का अर्थ यह है कि जब किसी पर कुछ कठिन समय होता है और ऐसी स्थिति में कोई व्यक्ति अपनी मर्जी से आगे आता है, ताकि कोई उसे विचलित स्थिति से बाहर निकाल सके। इसे स्वयं सेवा कहा जाता है, जहाँ कोई भी आपसे आपकी मदद के लिए नहीं पूछता है, बल्कि आपकी सद्भावना में मदद करने या उसमें भाग लेने का फैसला करता है

The meaning of this sentence is that when there is some difficult time on someone and in such a situation a person comes forward on his own will, to help that someone to take him out of the difficult situation. This is called volunteering where nobody asks you for help rather you on your goodwill decides to help or take part in that

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