English, asked by bman82, 8 months ago

Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

1. bus/experience/is/tiring/a/for a/waiting

2. another/to/place/from one/to go/have/people/of/thousands

3. the bus/mode/for/conveyance/is/the/of/cheapest/them

4. women and/for hours/waiting/men/children/in a queue/stand/bus/for the/together

5. our environment/causing/to/we are/an/irreparable damage

6. our citizens/choking/and/our cities/air pollution /is

7. increasing/the/is/threat/real/of/temperature

8. are/leaving/we/nothing/next generation/for/the​


Answered by sharmashobha00018

1. Waiting for a bus is a tiring experience.

2. thoudands people have to go from one place to another .

3. The bus is the cheapest mode of conveyance for them.

4. Men , women and children stands together in a queue for waiting for a bus

Answered by GulabLachman

Rearranging words to form a coherent sentence is one example of sentence restructuring.

  • While rearranging the sentences the verb, the verb forms and the tenses all must be taken into account.
  • To start a phrase, a connection between the provided words must be recognised as well.
  • In every sentence, there is a particular subject, and the subject being discussed must also be determined.
  • A word will unquestionably be the first word if it begins with the name of a person or with "I."
  • Thus, the correct sentences after re-arrangement are -
  1. Waiting for a bus is a tiring experience.
  2. Thousands of people have to go from one place to another.
  3. The bus is the cheapest mode of conveyance for them.
  4. Men, women, and children stand together waiting for the bus for hours in a queue.
  5. We are causing irreparable damage to our environment.
  6. Air pollution is choking our cities and our citizens.
  7. Increasing of temperature is the real threat.
  8. We are leaving nothing for the next generation.


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