Reasons why doctors are important in the society than farmers
doctors are equally important to farmers, but in some specific circumstances they are considered to be more important. this is because if a farmer gives us food, then the doctor makes sure that the farmer is healthy, so that he doesn't transmit any disease of his into the crop which we eat and fall ill. a doctor saves numerous lives throughout his/her career and keeps on trying to bring a person to life in the most critical situation too. doctors ensure that no life is lost, all people lead a healthy and happy life. apart from these reasons, a doctor also develops a connection with the family that makes visit frequently which keeps the family also informed about any new diseases and their preventions. a farmer gives food, and a doctor saves lives.
Saving Lives: It is said that “You cannot save the world, but you might save the man in front of you," and usually doctors are responsible for this, farmers can't treat or cure and can't even operate
Doctors are responsible for increased life expectancy and improved well being in the society
Doctors bridges the gap between Science and the society: In Medicine, the application of scientific knowledge is a crucial aspect of clinical practice. Doctors are therefore the agent through which scientific knowledge and understanding is expressed to citizens of a society.
Doctors perform humanitarian services in the society: Humanitarian services are activities done for the well being of the members of the society in order to help those suffering, provide free health care services, amongst others.