English, asked by ppreety87, 9 months ago

Red the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-
Then he warpped her with the gentleness almost of a woman in, the clean bed clothes which some neighbour had brought; and lifting her in his strong arms, bore her out into the air and across the field that lay between the hovel and his home.
A) who 'wrapped' whom? How did the speaker wrap?
B) How do his actions tell us abour his nature?
c) What reception did 'he' expect at 'his home'? Give reasons.
D) It is said 'He bore a precious burden'. Explan how far this statement proves to the true. ​


Answered by adityayadavasu


like that we can't give the answer after reading the story we can tell the answer because we don't know what the summary of the poem

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