Rédigez une invitation pour, à ton choix, un mariage, une naissance ou une pendaison de crémaillère. (Draft an invitation of your choice, a marriage, birth ceremony or house warming for your friend.) Draft it beautifully on a sheet of paper and write the invitation on that. no meaningless answers please any query ask me in the comment box
The expression pendaison de crémaillère is French for housewarming party, literally translating to 'trivet hanging'. It tends to be shortened to crémaillère only, so you might hear 'Je fais ma crémaillère ce soir!' - 'My housewarming is tonight!'
The phrase originated in the Middle Ages and is still being used to this day. Many French people do not know where the expression comes from though, so this may be your time to shine.
In former times, once the construction of a house was done, it was tradition to invite everyone who participated in building the house for a meal. Hosts then cooked a meal in a heavy pot they would hang on a notched trivet or rack in the chimney.
This cooking mechanism was the last thing to be set up in the house and turned it into a home for good.
What does a pendaison de crémaillère look like today?
Housewarming parties are usually thrown within three months of moving in, and are either a party or a dinner in the form of a barbecue or drinks and buffet.
In this type of situation, there are two types of people: those who wait to have furnished and decorated entirely their new home, and those who rather have their pendaison de crémaillère among cardboard boxes - because you know, after-party cleaning can be a pain.
If you are invited to one, know it is customary to bring a present to the host, like a candle, a plant or small decorative items, kitchen utensils or simply a nice bottle of wine.
Rédigez une invitation pour, à ton choix, un mariage, une