English, asked by lsoma7101, 1 year ago

Referring the first 3 Acts of "The Merchant of Venice" anylse the character of Shylockin realtion with Antonio, Jessica, Launcelot (1000 words)​


Answered by Anonymous

AnswEr :-

Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice. Shylock is a grasping but proud and somewhat tragic figure, and his role and Shakespeare's intentions continue to be the source of much discussion. In addition to his baser traits, Shylock is proud and has deep religious instincts. Shylock, with Antonio is the major character in the play, at times referred to as a villain and sometimes a victim. Shylock is the most debatable character in Merchant of Venice. Sympathising for him is not offensive.

But at many times he appears to not deserve the sympathy. This is the reason his character becomes debatable and he can neither be categorised as an evil human nor as a human to be sympathised for. The most obvious source of sympathy for Shylock is that he is part of a despised minority, treated with contempt and loathing on the basis of his religion. As a Jew in an overwhelmingly Christian city, Shylock is subjected to all kinds of humiliating restrictions, both legal and social.

Shylock is the antagonist and a tragic character in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. A Jewish merchant living in a Christian city, he comes across as greedy, jealous and vengeful. As opposed to his anti-Semitic nemesis and fellow businessman, Antonio, Shylock charges interest on his loans.

Lorenzo continues to explain how Shylock would only get to heaven because of his daughter's influence. He provides strong evidence of Jessica as far different and better in character than her father, Shylock. He clearly reveals his love and admiration for Jessica.

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