Relationship beetwwn stress and helical angle of spring in suspension
The Suspension:
- The first priority of suspension design to carry the vehicle weight.
- Provide an elastic connection between load carrying systems and the axles or wheels.
-Damp their vibration.
- Adjust the position of the automobile body in motion (hold the wheels and their support in proper position during acceleration, braking and turning).
Suspension geometry is to provide:
-the best possible vehicle handling (controlling the vehicle in the desired track down the road).
-insure maximum tire life.
-insure comfortable ride.
Suspension Components:
-Elastic element (transmit vertical loads and lower level of dynamic loads).
-Lateral stabilizer
Guide (transmits forces to the load carrying system and distributes moments between the wheel and body).
Damper (during damping the mechanical energy of vibration changes into heat energy).
Elastic Elements
Leaf spring, Helical springs, Torsion bars
Rubber, Air, Hydraulic