Report on awareness programe on corona virus in india
With the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, as declared by World Health Organization (WHO) as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, awareness programme was organized from Department of Community medicine on 13-03-2020 focusing more on preventive aspects to protect the health care staff.
The programme started at 12:30 pm at silver jubilee auditorium. Dr.Sreeramalu P N the Principal of SDUMC, SDUAHER addressed the gathering regarding on going outbreak of COVID-19 in India. This was followed by talk from Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. G Pradeep Kumar who stressed on importance of Prevention of infection with proper precaution appreciating the efforts of Health Care team at this time and also importance of personal protection of health care team. This was followed by introduction to COVID-19 by Dr.Prasanna Kamath, Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine. He mentioned special note on “Social distancing” and how effective it can be in controlling the spread.
Dr.Pradeep.T.S , Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine gave an elusive talk on Viral infection COVID-19 with current scenario at World , India and Karnataka state respectively. He mentioned various definition like Probable case, Suspected case and stressed the information of how and when will the some suspect will be said as Confirmed Case. He said laboratory diagnosis to confirm the COVID-19 infection is confirmatory as per WHO guidelines. Next was regarding Personal protection where a video was put regarding on How to wear a mask and how to dispose them accordingly. It was emphasized that mask is not needed to everyone and only sick need the mask. A small note on cough etiquette was mentioned especially use of flexed elbow as by WHO. Regular Hand wash, use of protective mask, regular disinfection, use of sanitizers, maintaining food safety and social distancing were stressed with a video. Importance of refraining from ill messages from social media were highly suggested and were advised to follow WHO newsletters.
After the session there was an open debate between the Dr.Sreeramalu P N, the Principal and Dr.Prasanna Kamath, Professor and Head regarding various aspects like
a) Who should be diagnosed as COVID-19 infection?
b) Should mask needs to be used compulsorily
c) What is Isolation and Quarantine with respect to COVID-19 infection?
These were most of the queries of the audience. Dr.Prasanna Kamath mentioned clearly the WHO guidelines to diagnose COVID-19 infection. He also said need of mask only when suffering from medical illness, personal hygiene and cough etiquette, regular hand wash is more essential. He defined the standard WHO definition of Isolation and Quarantine with respect to COVID-19 infection as mentioned by WHO.
This was followed by talk from Dr. Azeem Mohiyuddin, Medical Superintendent, regarding few myths circulating in social media regarding cure on COVID-19 infection. Dr. G Pradeep Kumar, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, mentioned how fake news can create more panic than actual disease. The end note was given by Dr. Raveesha, Professor and Head, Department of Medicine regarding judicious use of mask and more emphasis was on personal protection.