English, asked by mb8889sdf, 5 months ago

report on mobile phone​


Answered by SmritiMajumdar


The present world is the world of information technology. Mobile phone is the revolutionary invention of science. This mobile has enriched our communication network. It has been possible to communicate from one corner to another by its contribution. Mobile phone is one of the important wonders of modern science. The standard of living of men has been changed by the contribution of this technology. At the beginning Telegraph was only one medium of communication. Alecgunder invented telephone in 1876. As a result, it has been possible to send the human voice to the remote. Electric sign is flown through the wire of both the telegraph and telephone. At the beginning of last century wireless was invented by Marcony which occurred revolutionary change in the communication. Consequently the necessary of adding wire by receiving & transferring not needed. In case of telephone it is set up one place which is not transferable, so problem occurs. In this situation mobile phone takes the place of telephone to overcome the problem. “Mobile Phone Service” is another name of silent revolution in Bangladesh. Mobile phone service is keeping important role in removing the digital divide. Mobile phone is contributing active role in receiving and sending information in the villages. Bangladesh enters the mobile world through the City Cell Company in 1993. In that time the cost of a connected mobile phone required more than one lack Tk for a mobile holder. Mobile phone was like a dream among the normal or middle income group from 1993-1996. Later Grameenphone, Robi ( Former Name Aktel ), Banglalink (Former Sheba World) and Airtel ( Former Name Warid ) got license from government. There are some barriers working to regulate the mobile service rapidly in Bangladesh. Mainly high import duty. The mobile companies are to pay tax at the high rate in importing mobile set or machinery. For this reason the growth of this sector is being hampered. If import duty is reduced than the mobile phone companies will be able to sale the mobile phone at the cheap rate and provide better customer service than the previous level. In today’s Bangladesh, there is no perfect alternative of Grameenphone. It is now on the flow of developing its program so rapidly that it seems that this company is going to capture the master market of mobile phone in our country. Therefore, no doubt, its future prospect is bright. From the discussion it can be said that the rapid growth of the mobile sector is highly possible and for this government assistance or backing needed. Background of the Study: GrameenPhone, as the market leader of telecom Companies has to keep its customers loyal, which in tern related to the profitability. As customer loyalty related to its Business Solutions Segment, its effectiveness plays a vital role on the reputation of the company. Therefore, the company should aware about its customers, their level of satisfaction, comparative position & the micro-macro environmental factors. This study reveals the satisfaction level of the Subscribers, the comparative position of the business sales and identifies the strength, weakness, opportunity & threat of the easiest communication of business Solutions of GP.

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