Report writing in New year celebration
Every year our class celebrates a new year in the class, everyone dress up nicely and make nice food and brings to the class room and everyone eats it together.
A day before the party takes place in the class everyone participates in the decoration of the class, they make the paper lanterns.
They arrange different games so that the kids can play and at the end of the game they can decide the winners and give them the prize.
And at the end of the day the teachers congratulate students on all the efforts made by them.
New year celebration is a time of joyous occasion. It marks the end of the year and the beginning of a new one.
People take this chance to celebrate the year they have just completed, and also to make promises and look forward towards another year coming up.
People often go out with their friends and families to celebrate this occasion, and the midnight stroke of new year is marked with huge celebrations and displays of fireworks.