resistivity and thermal conductor are some or different?
Thermal resistance refers to the ability of a system of particular configuration to resist heat transfer in any mode whereas thermal conductivity is a property of a material by virtue of which it conducts heat. ... i.e., thermal conductivity has units of W m-1 K-1, and thermal resistivity has units of K m W-1.
Here are how the two are related except the thermal resistivity is the reciprocal of the thermal conductivity and the electrical resistivity is the reciprocal of the electrical conductivity: and T is the temperature of the material tested in absolute units (deg K or deg R).
• In thermal conduction, the heat is transferred by the oscillation of atoms inside the material. In electrical conduction, the electrons themselves move in order to create the current.
• Most of the thermal conductors are good electrical conductors.Both thermal conductivity and the electrical conductivity depend on the material.
• In thermal conductivity, energy is transferred but in electrical conductivity electrons are transferred.