Review of the poem to the indian who died in africa
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Stanza 1:
Wherever a man may be, there is one place he yearns to be and the place is his home, his native place. He longs for his home and hearth, for the food cooked by his wife. He wishes to sit at his door peacefully enjoying the sunset and watch his grandchildren playing in the dust with the grandchildren of his neighbour. These feelings are of a soldier after the war is over.
Stanza 2:
The soldier at the end of his career has luckily survived the war in spite of receiving many scarson the battlefield. He has memories of the war and of the foreign soldiers he met during the war who were like his fighting away from their homeland. These memories come to him when conversing with people.
Stanza 3:
A soldier is not destined to remain in his native land or die there. His destiny may take him away from his native place to a foreign land. If a country is home to one man, it is exile to another. The country where the soldier dies fighting becomes his home land, while his own countrybecomes a foreign land.
Stanza 4:
Addressing the dead Indian soldier ,the poetsays that Africa, where he and the other soldiers had come to fight, belonged to neither of them,but as they died in the soil of Africa fighting for their motherland ,Africa becomes their native or motherland.
Wherever a man may be, there is one place he yearns to be and the place is his home, his native place. He longs for his home and hearth, for the food cooked by his wife. He wishes to sit at his door peacefully enjoying the sunset and watch his grandchildren playing in the dust with the grandchildren of his neighbour. These feelings are of a soldier after the war is over.
Stanza 2:
The soldier at the end of his career has luckily survived the war in spite of receiving many scarson the battlefield. He has memories of the war and of the foreign soldiers he met during the war who were like his fighting away from their homeland. These memories come to him when conversing with people.
Stanza 3:
A soldier is not destined to remain in his native land or die there. His destiny may take him away from his native place to a foreign land. If a country is home to one man, it is exile to another. The country where the soldier dies fighting becomes his home land, while his own countrybecomes a foreign land.
Stanza 4:
Addressing the dead Indian soldier ,the poetsays that Africa, where he and the other soldiers had come to fight, belonged to neither of them,but as they died in the soil of Africa fighting for their motherland ,Africa becomes their native or motherland.
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