English, asked by harshitkurumoju6611, 7 months ago

Rewrite each pair of sentences into a single sentence using when or while.

(a)Raghu met his old neighbour. He was in Shillong.

(b)She twisted her ankle. She was walking down the stairs.

(c) They found the room neat and tidy. They woke up offer a nap.

(d)I listen to the radio. I iron my clothes.

(e)The light did not come on. Zai turned the switch on.​


Answered by Sarah0909


(a)Raghu met his old neighbour when He was in Shillong.

He was in Shillong.(b)She twisted her ankle while She was walking down the stairs.

She was walking down the stairs.(c) They found the room neat and tidy when They woke up offer a nap.

They woke up offer a nap.(d)I listen to the radio when I iron my clothes.

I iron my clothes.(e)The light did not come on while Zai turned the switch on.

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