English, asked by beshayeralotiabi, 7 months ago

Rewrite the sentences below with the adjective of the underlined words. Make changes to the sentence structure if necessary
Example: She speaks quietly.
She speaks in a quiet voice.

1. My teacher explained the lesson clearly.
2. The agenda of the meeting is mainly about the budget.
3. Children have many ways to spend their vacations usefully.
4. We should use social media carefully.
5. He spoke to his students angrily as they performed poorly in the test.

A topic sentence indicates the main idea of the paragraph. Read the texts below and identify the topic sentence for each paragraph. / 5
i. The best trip my family ever took was to the mountains. Our entire family drove there in our car. I did not think it would be very interesting, but I was wrong. We enjoyed it thoroughly as the weather was great, saw beautiful sunsets, and visited a quaint village where everyone was friendly and easy going. I liked the food best as I feel it tasted better and we were able to have it in the fresh air!


ii. No one likes to eat with a dirty knife, fork, or spoon. It is important to completely wash all cutlery before using them. Even if they look clean, it is important to wash them with the right detergent. Clean cutlery won’t transmit germs and bacteria and therefore help prevent diseases and infections. It is one of the simplest ways to keep safe and healthy.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

iii. Growing a garden can be fun, good exercise, and will provide fresh fruits and vegetables for the
gardener. It is interesting to watch the seeds pop their heads above the soil for the first time. It is sometimes hard to believe that a little seed can become a large vine or plant in just a few weeks. Planting the seeds and pulling weeds are good exercise for anyone. Then, after watching the plant grow and produce, the gardener ends up with delicious tomatoes, beans, or other yummy produce from the garden.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

iv. Sometimes it is hard to fall asleep. Maybe you are not sleepy, or maybe you are thinking about what happened during the day. You can also lie awake if a big event, like a test or a party, is happening the next day. There are several things you can do to try and fall asleep. You can try counting sheep, or just counting, which will keep your mind busy with a repetitious activity. Sometimes listening to soft music or gentle sounds, like rain, helps. You can even try telling yourself a story, which may distract your mind enough that you will be asleep in no time.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

v. Many people think poetry is old-fashioned and uninteresting. They do not realize that every time they hear a song sung, they are hearing poetry in the form of song lyrics. Just like many written poems, many song lyrics use rhythm, rhyme, and literary imagery. It turns out that poetry isn’t old-fashioned; it’s as modern as the latest hit song!

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

Write an open-ended question for each sentence. Refer the underlined part of the sentences to write the question.

1. I’m going to my village tomorrow for the weekend.

2. Nobody knows the answer to his question.

3. The class starts at 1 p.m. everyday.

4. Huge means very big.

5. She was crying because she did not pass the exam.


Answered by ayeshas86


1.The teacher explained the lesson in a clear voice

Answered by sankalpa2886


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