Ria has three boxes with ten balls in each.she plays a game where the goal is to end up with as few balls as possible in the boxes.the boxes are each marked with a seperate number 4,7, and 10.it is allowed to remove n balls from the box marked with the number n,put three of them aside and put the rest in another box.what is the least possible number of balls the boxes together can contain in the end??
Step-by-step explanation:
Ria has three boxes with ten balls in each.she plays a game where the goal is to end up with as few balls as possible in the boxes.the boxes are each marked with a seperate number 4,7, and 10.it is allowed to remove n balls from the box marked with the number n,put three of them aside and put the rest in another box.what is the least possible number of balls the boxes together can contain in the end??
Box 4 Box 7 Box 10 Total
4 7 10 21
0 7 11 18
0 14 1 15
4 7 1 12
0 8 1 9
4 1 1 6
0 2 1 3
Whatever the number of balls us removed from box we put aside 3 balls and put rest in boxes
so every time 3 balls reduced in total from boxes
Every time 3 ball resuced so 21 - 3 = 18 then 18 -3 = 15 , 15 - 3 = 12 , 12 - 3 = 9, 9 -3 = 6 , 6 - 3 = 3
When total 3 balls left then we would not be able to with draw balls further as minimum balls what can be removed = 4
So 3 is the least possible number of balls that can be put together in the end