Biology, asked by kumar1669, 1 year ago

Ribosomes provide the scaffolding on which trnas interact with mrna during translation of an mrna sequence to a chain of amino acids. A ribosome has three binding sites, each of which has a distinct function in the trna-mrna interactions. Drag the appropriate trnas to the binding sites on the ribosome to show the configuration immediately before a new peptide bond forms. Note that one of the binding sites should be left empty.


Answered by Anonymous

Heya dost.. ❤

1) Ribosomes provide the scaffolding on which trnas interact with mrna during translation of an mrna sequence to a chain of amino acids.

2) A ribosome has three binding sites, each of which has a distinct function in the trna-mrna interactions.

3) Drag the appropriate trnas to the binding sites on the ribosome to show the configuration immediately before a new peptide bond forms.

_/!\_ Thanks for this notes !!

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