right ans pls✌✌

A life changed , a life bettered
I used to live in a really posh house , with a lot of maid servants . As my parents were working and were busy most of the time , it took a great deal of patience to compel them to sit and spend sometime with me . At that time , when I was feeling bored , lonely , helpless and anxious Seema used to play with me , even if she wasn't obliged to do do so . I respected and loved Seema like a sister . Seema was fourteen years old , just a year younger than me ; but so much more mature and wise . Seema was working as a maid at our house . But after spending months with her , playing and talking , I knew that she was eager to go to school . She wouldn't accept it , but I could easily guess her thirst for education by the smile she got whenever she got when I talked about my school . One day I asked her why she wasn't attending classes at a school . She first didn't say anything , but after sometime when I kept on showering her with my endless questions she finally obliged . She told me that she was very eager to go to school , but was unable to so , since half of her family's responsibilities lied on her shoulder . She told to me that her father was severely ill and hence couldn't go to work , due to which she and her mother had to go to work to keep her family from dying out of hunger . Since Seema's family couldn't even afford a proper lunch they would not be able to pay Seema's school fees . Hearing this brought tears from my eyes . I never would have thought about this as I never had to face such problems . That day I went away saying I had some work , but what I had on my work was entirely different . I knew had to lend a hand to support her so , I went to my room , took the account book with money I got as a sports scholarship and approached Seema . I gave it to her . She was shocked , by my deed . She refused to accept it . But when I started crying , she finally obliged . With that money she enrolled herself into high school . Now I feel very proud to say that she has soon passed high school exam , after going to high school and is now running her own school . She has always had a skill at philosophy , so she teaches philosophy to her students and her children , whom she can teach on her own now . I am extremely happy at how her life has now changed into a better one .
Hope you find my answer useful!!