English, asked by ansarinaushad63, 7 months ago

ring out wild bells to the wild sky the flying cloud the frosty light the year is dying in the night ring out wild bells and let him die.
ring out the old ring in the newring happy bells across the snow the year is going let him go bring out the false ring in the true ring out the grief that shape the mind for those that here we see no more ring out feud of rich and poor ring in redress to all mankind ring out a slowly dying cause and ancient forms of parties try ring in the novel modes of life with sweet manners pure laws .
understanding the poem
1.which words or phrases in the poem tell us that it is a cold and windy winter evening?
2. what suggest that is New year eve?
3.according to the speaker what are the things that we should ring out ?why?
4.do you feel that the speaker is facing the new year with hope ?why do you think so?
B. ring out the grief that saps down for those that here we see no more ring out the feud of rich and poor, ring in redress to all mankind.
1. why would grief sap the mind?
2. what are the things that lead to of puid between the rich and poor?
3. in what ways can the wrongs in the society be corrected?
appreciating the poem
1. what has been personified in the beginning of the poem?
2. winsome words are needed they give touch of rhythm to a poem. read the poem aloud and mark such words.
3. an elegy is a poem of sorrow or lamination. underline the two lines that reflect the elegiac tone in the poem​


Answered by kruti1867


hey buddy I have this poem in my text book...

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