Role of education in overcoming obstacles in innovation
Education is simple terms normally means the process of acquiring the desired knowledge.
Here, all i mean is that on the basis of process implies that education is a continuous. And desired to mean that only those values that are desirable can be acquired through education.
Well, then when want to know how education can be used in the overcoming of obstacles in education, all we need to know is that through education process, learners will be able to acquire the desired knowledge from their teachers and this knowledge is passed from generation to generation thus any innovative skill learnt can be manipulated to a desirable form as it pass from generation to generation.
Education in simple terms, normally, means the process of acquiring the desired knowledge. By dint of education, man can overcome any sort of obstacle whether that is in innovation or any other progress. Values that are desirable can be acquired through education. Well, then it is essential to know how education can be used in the overcoming the obstacles in innovation, all we need to know is that through education process, learners will be able to acquire the desired knowledge from their teachers and this knowledge is passed from generation to generation, thus any innovative skill learnt can be manipulated to a desirable form as it passes from generation to generation.
Education is the key to every success and it was education that enabled Mark Zukerburg to invent such a pervasive social platform i.e., Facebook. Hence, education is a powerful tool in transcending any hindrance in the way of innovation.