English, asked by jangramanjeet258, 6 months ago

role of newspaper in student life in 1000 words 2 pages​


Answered by souvik100dey

Importance of Newspaper Essay

Newspapers are easily available in the most remote regions as well. They are also very economical which gives an abundance of information at really low cost. Most importantly, newspapers are published in various languages that make it easier for people of all regions to get news in their local language. Thus, we see how newspapers have numerous advantages that help the common man stay informed of the worldly issues.

Significance of Newspaper

The newspaper has created a positive impact on society. It helps people become aware of current affairs and stay curious about them. When the public will question, it means they are aware. This is exactly what a newspaper does. It is also the finest link you can find between the government and its people. Newspapers provide people with every detail no matter how small.

Furthermore, it helps us become informed citizens. Whenever there are any changes in the rules and regulations of the country, newspapers make us aware of them. Moreover, they are very informative for students. A student can learn all about general knowledge and current affairs from here. We stay updated with the technological advancements, government policies, research studies and more.

Other than that, newspapers also have incredible articles that tackle social issues, cultures, arts, and more. It conveys the public opinion to the people on important issues. This will, in turn, help people review the government and ministers well. Similarly, people get great employment opportunities from newspapers. Those seeking jobs look through newspapers to get reliable job opportunities.

In short, the newspaper carries a lot of significance for humans. If we read the newspaper daily, it can develop our reading habit and make us more fluent. It also has mind-brain exercise games like puzzles, Sudoku and more to sharpen people’s brains. Furthermore, you can also go through the comic strips and cartoons to keep yourself entertained.

Answered by priyanka658928

History of Newspapers

Newspaper’s circulation started in the 17th century. Different countries have different timelines to start the publication of Newspapers. In 1665, the 1st real newspaper was printed in England. The first American newspaper named “Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick” was printed in 1690. Similarly, for Britain, it all starts from 1702 and in Canada, in the year 1752 the first newspaper named Halifax Gazette started its publication.

In the late 19th century, newspapers became very common and were cheaply available due to the abolishment of stamp duty on them. But, in the early 20th century, computer technology started replacing the old labor method of printings.

Importance Of Newspapers Essay: Every morning a man comes on a bicycle and drops a newspaper at our doors the one out of so many that we have chosen to subscribe. It is not he who remains in a hurry to reach the newspaper to us, we also in the family eagerly await the newspaper.

A newspaper brings so many different things for so many people and that is their importance. To the young man or young woman in search of a job, it is the ‘situation vacant’ columns which provide him the needed information, where is what that he or she can try for. There are no other means from which he or she can get so much information. There are even special editions that newspapers bring out giving details of employment information. ‘Ascent’ of the Times of India is one such special weekly supplement.

To those interested in the news about the political scene, there is all that is going on the political front national as well as international. How very important were the newspapers bringing news in detail about the last war with Pakistan the Kargil War or the American attack on Afghanistan in search of Osama bin Laden?

There have recently been assembly elections and the Lok-Sabha bye-elections and how anxiously have people on every street comer could be seen trying to get hold of a newspaper to know the latest result.

Then there is international political news which keeps people interested in what goes on in the world.

There are people who would first reach the Sports page of the newspaper as their first interest in sports.

The middle pages — that contain the Editorial and the leading article are of interest to the elderly ones of the family who have spare time to go through them people rushing for their offices only skip over the important news on the first page or those interested in business matters turn over the Business pages but after they have left for their offices or place of work, the elder ones who remain at home take up the newspaper after their breakfast and leisurely go through every page of it this is a past-time for them as also the full use of the newspaper.

hope it's help you

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