Root 3+ root 2 Root 3- Root 2
_____________+ _____________
root 3- root 2 Root 3+ Root 2
Please help....
Since (√2+√3)2= (√2)2+(√3)2+2×√2×√3
Now we know that the sum of a rational and an irrational number is always irrational so 5+2√6 is an irrational number.
Root 6b
Step-by-step explanation:
The time of a place depends on the longitude that passes through it. Therefore, the standard time for each country is usually taken as the time of the central meridian that passes through it. ... Thus, we need a standard meridian for the countryगौण सदस्यों पर एक टिप्पणीसौरमंडल के अन्य गौण सदस्यों पर एक टिप्पणी लिखिए।The time of a place depends on the longitude that passes through it. Therefore, the standard time for each country is usually taken as the time of the central meridian that passes through it. ... Thus, we need a standard meridian for the countryगौण सदस्यों पर एक टिप्पणी