Roots that grow above the ground to support the plant. _______
Aerial roots are roots that grow on the above-ground parts of a plant. Aerial roots on woody vines function as anchors, affixing the plant to supporting structures such as trellises, rocks, and walls. Some types of aerial roots also absorb moisture and nutrients, just like underground roots.
The two types of roots that give additional support to the plant are Fibrous root and Taproot.
Aerial roots are roots above the ground. They are almost always adventitious. They are found in diverse plant species, including epiphytes such as orchids (Orchidaceae), tropical coastal swamp trees such as mangroves, banyan figs (Ficus subg.
Trees roots adapt to their environment in order to get needed oxygen, water and nutrients. Above-ground roots are often seen in areas with compacted soil because the compaction deprives roots of oxygen and water that would otherwise be available in loose soil. As trees get older, surface roots grow larger as well.
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Aerial roots are roots that grow on the above-ground parts of a plant. Aerial roots on woody vines function as anchors, affixing the plant to supporting structures such as trellises, rocks, and walls. Some types of aerial roots also absorb moisture and nutrients, just like underground roots