Science, asked by antonioplays360yt, 5 months ago

Rosa and Chan conducted an experiment on factors that affect stream velocity.
The materials they used are shown in the list below.
Lab Materials
container or sink
three-hole punch
•1-m length of vinyl gutter pipe
•water source with hose
•ring stand
•meter stick
•grease marker
This is the procedure Rosa and Chan used:

1. Make 15 paper circles to be used as floating markers using a three-hole punch.
2. M ark two lines 50 cm apart in a piece of gutter pipe using a grease marker.
3. Inc line the gutter at an angle of 10° using the ring stand and clamp. Place the other end of the gutter at the container or sink.
4. Attach the hose to a water source, and place the hose at the top of the gutter.
5. T urn on the water, and adjust the water flow until it is steady.
6. B end a section of the hose to block the water flow, and place the end of the hose about 5cm from the top marker line.
7. P lace a paper circle about 4 cm from the top marker line.
8. Measure how long it takes the paper circle to move between lines. Record the time.
9. Re peat step 8 two more times.
10. Re peat steps 7, 8 and 9, keeping the rate of water flow the same but changing the gutter angle to 20°, 30°, and 40°.

This experiment is designed to answer what question?
A.How does rainfall affect stream velocity?
B.How does slope affect stream velocity?
C.How does sediment load affect stream velocity?
D.How does stream width affect stream velocity?


Answered by ramarajupemmadi1984


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it's too long

Answered by bluemoon14141212

Answer: is B


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