Round off 0.07284 to four, three and two significant digits.
Round 0.07284 to four, three, and two significant digits:
To round 0.07284 to four significant digits, I start with the first significant digit, which is the 7. (The zero between the decimal point and the 7 is not significant, as it serves only to "place" the 7 into the hundreds place.
Below are given four, three and two significant figures.
To round off it 0.07284 to four significant figures. Let's start with the first significant figure which is 7.
Four significant figures:
Zero "0" is present between decimal point and 7 which is not significant therefore there are only four significant figures.
Now moving on to the next digit which is 8 and is followed by 4 which is less than 5 therefore it can be round off as 0.07284
Three significant figures:
Now the next is 2 which is followed by 8. As 8 is more than 5 therefore it can be round off as 0.0728
Two significant figures:
Now the next is 3 which is followed by 2 as 2 is less than 3 therefore it can be round off as 0.073