Answer the following questions
Who is Matthi Thimmanna Nayaka? pla palepun
@) Write a short note on Raajaveer Madakari Nayaka.
3 31 Why do we still remember Onake Obavva? 25
4] Name the tanks built by the Chitadurga chieftains
Bharma Sogara,
1)Matthi Thimmanna Nayaka was the first king of the Nayakas of Chitradurga.
2)Ontisalaga Madakari Nayaka or Madakari Nayaka V 1742 - 1782, was the last ruler of Chitradurga, India, and considered to be the greatest of the Nayakas of Chitradurga. He administered from 1754 to 1779. He also gained the title of Eppataru Palegarara Ganda (Superior ruler over 76 palegara's) by Peshwa Madhavrao I after he helped him win the Nijagallu Fort.
3)Onake Obavva was a brave woman who fought the forces of Hyder Ali single-handedly with a pestle (Onake) in the kingdom of Chitradurga of Karnataka, India.
4)Bharamasagara and bheema
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