साइंस ऑफ द बेस्ट टेक गार्ड सपोर्टेड बाय विंड एरोजन
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Science of the best tech guard supported by wind erosion
Soil erosion by wind, water, and tillage can cause
excessive on-site damage to landscapes and to the soil
resources that make up landscapes and excessive damage
to off-site resources that receive sediment produced by
erosion. While certain land uses, like well-maintained
pasture, satisfactorily control soil erosion in highly
erosive conditions, putting these practices on every field
is impractical. Significant erosion that would ordinarily
occur with preferred land uses, like vegetable production
on steep slopes, can often be satisfactorily controlled with
well-chosen soil conservation technology.
Erosion is a complex process influenced by many
variables including climate, soil, topography, and land
use. The potential for erosion on one farmer's field can
be very high, while very low on a neighbor's field.
Additional complexity is that soils and off-site bodies
receiving sediment from upstream sources can tolerate
varying amount of erosion without excessive damage.
Erosion is not easily measured, and even if it were,
variations in the weather require a decade or two of
measurements to accurately determine a long term,
average annual erosion rate at a particular site.
Soil erosion prediction technology has proven to be a
valuable tool for dealing with these complexities in
conservation planning. Soil conservationists use this tool
to develop conservation plans that take into account the
erosion potential of specific sites, the impact of erosion
on both on-site and off-site resources, and preferences of
the land user.