समुद्र पर कविता लिखिए
book of river stories is, of course, an invitation to think about the relation between rivers and stories. It is also an occasion to think about the condition of the world’s rivers, which we need urgently to do at this moment in the history of the human relation to the earth.
book of river stories is, of course, an invitation to think about the relation between rivers and stories. It is also an occasion to think about the condition of the world’s rivers, which we need urgently to do at this moment in the history of the human relation to the earth.And a place to begin is with the obvious, with the fact that most of the life on earth depends on fresh water. The mineral earth with its dream shapes of mountain range and valley basin, desert and forest and taiga and prairie and butte and mesa, forged by the heat of the earth's core, scoured by the advance and retreat of glaciers, terminated by coastal cliffs and beaches of sand or shingle, is intricately veined with the flow of it. The story of our relation to it begins, I suppose, with pieces of bone excavated along the Awash River in Ethopia and a piece of a jaw excavated beside an ancient lake in Kenya. Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecus anamemnsis: they are about 4.4 million years old. At one point eight million years ago, a welter of hominid species foraged the edges of the same lake. And among them, most likely, were our ancestors. Human life probably developed within easy range of lakes and rivers. Human civilization—at the Tigres and Euphrates, the Ganges, the Yangtze, and the Nile—certainly did.
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