Samar Sachdeva purchased measuring instruments for his laboratory wort ₹60,000 paying only one fourth of payment by cheque’s
Okay, let us first think of the accounts affected in this transaction
Step 1: Accounts affected
* Equipment
*Accounts payable
Step 2 : Now let us think on the debit and credit . Equipment is an asset, for it we apply the rule debit what comes in credit what goes out .So as the equipment is coming in , we debit equipment . Then bank , as cash is going out , it is credit . Accounts payable is a liability , an increase in liability is credit .
Equipment 60000
Bank 15000( 1/4 of 60000)
Accounts payable 45000( 3/4 of 60000)
Date Particulars
J.F. Amount Date Particulars
J.F. Amount
01/10/17 To Cash A/c 15,000 31/03/18 By Deprecation A/c*1 3,000
01/10/17 To Precision Perfect & Co A/c 45,000 31/03/18 By Balance C/d 57,000
60,000 60,000
01/04/18 To Balance b/d 57,000 31/03/19 By Depreciation A/c*2 24,000
31/03/19 To Profit/Loss A/c 10,000 31/03/19 By Bank A/c 35,650
31/03/19 By Balance C/d 25,650
67,000 67,000