English, asked by tanurathor9044, 8 months ago

Say a drama script of,"swami is explled from school


Answered by subhransusahoo94


The Mission School Headmaster is a primary antagonist for Swami in the novel’s early chapters. Although he confronts Ebenezar about his mistreatment of Swami, he also calls Swami foolish for telling his father what happened in scripture class and asks Swami to rely only on him in the future. Later, the headmaster’s intimidating interrogation of the students who participated in the protest goads Swami into renouncing the Mission School and ultimately transferring to the Board School. However, in comparison to the abhorrent Board School Headmaster, Swami eventually comes to think of the Mission School Headmaster as dignified and respectable.

Mission School Headmaster Quotes in Swami and Friends

The Swami and Friends quotes below are all either spoken by Mission School Headmaster or refer to Mission School Headmaster. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: The Political and the Personal Under British Colonial Rule Theme Icon). Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the University of Chicago Press edition of Swami and Friends published in 1980.

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