scary experience in 300 words
Hope this helped you mate.
Have a great day ahead!
Imagine everything which is written here,
Suppose that you are alone at your home, and it's night time approx 11 p. m. You are watching television and sitting alone on the sofa, suddenly you experience a sensation in your spine and you began to feel that someone else is sitting with you on sofa and suddenly the television gets off. Now, imagine what will you do in such a situation??
let's continue,
then you have terribly horrified and run to your room and closed the door. Suddenly you heard a curious sound , as someone was working in the kitchen.
Think about it, there is no one in your house except you but in the night you hear someone working ina the kitchen, then what will you do....
again let's continue bcoz the story has not been completed...
Now, you have lose all your courage and you go to your bed and lay there. Your heart is beating fastly and then you hear sound of footsteps coming nearer every moment. Then the lights of your room suddenly starts to blink . You have closed your eyes and you experience many terrible things whole night....
Experience everything written here...
hope you liked it....